

Book review "Charity and Philanthropy For Dummies"

I have finished reading "Charity and Philanthropy For Dummies". It gave me what I should take into consideration to help chrities.

It is a great job that what the charity is divided into four categories on the book: giving our time to charities, utilizing our knowledge and experience from our job, buying goods that are kind to all of us and donating money to charities.

In addition, we can study a variety of social problems that charities have tackled, comparing them with the charities where you live near.

That's it for the book. But I feel it too long. There are a lot of examples and writing to support their theory. OK, I understand what your main point is, wait, stop going on!


Charity and Philanthropy For Dummies (For Dummies (Business & Personal Finance))

Charity and Philanthropy For Dummies (For Dummies (Business & Personal Finance))